Godot Wild Jam #9 entry - Theme: Underworld

What to do

Fight waves of enemies by using ice your skills

Beat 10 waves to win, but you can keep playing.

There is an infinite number of waves, slowly getting harder


WASD: Move

Left Click: Skill 1

Right Click: Skill 2

Q : Skill 3

ESC: Restart level

Development stuff

I started development way too late (around 30 hours remaining) because I'm lazy, so... content is kind of lacking

I wanted to try a more "data oriented" approach, just to see how it would play out, so there is only a single scene (excluding UI-only scenes). Every entity is a dictionary.  All the drawing is done through _draw. It made coding the game quite a bit different, but it was enjoyable for me.

Source: https://github.com/Tkap1/Ice-in-Hell

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